A few words about us

We advise and represent multi-national and SME clients across all areas of intellectual property practice. Although we do not undertake patent prosecution, we work co-operatively with patent agents where patent prosecution is required.
Our services include:
Brands and trade marks
- brand and trade mark protection advice and programmes;
- global trade mark filing and prosecution;
- trade mark portfolio management and watching services;
- representation in trade mark infringement and passing-off disputes;
- anti-counterfeiting and customs registration programmes.
- trade mark and get-up licensing programmes;
- protection of image, personality rights and business reputation;
- comparative advertising and misleading advertising.
On-line and domain names
- IP issues in an on-line environment: hyperlinking, keyword advertising, TM infringement;
- platform provider liability litigation;
- website intellectual property risk review;
- domain name protection programmes;
- domain name ownership and transfers;
- representation in domain name disputes.
Patents and technology
- strategic advice on invention protection and commercialisation;
- R&D agreements and licensing of patented technology and software;
- advising on the ownership of inventions, know-how and patents and their transfer;
- patent ownership, infringement and validity disputes and patent oppositions;
- advising on pharmaceutical patent and SPC validity and strategies.
Copyright, designs and databases
- advising on copyright creation, ownership, duration and transfer particularly in the software, audio-visual and on-line commerce sectors;
- representation in copyright infringement and platform provider liability disputes;
- advice on unregistered and registered design rights and disputes;
- creation and ownership and infringement of database rights
- IP due diligence and corporate IP ownership reviews;
- developing and implementing corporate intellectual property protection programmes;
- employee rights and corporate ownership of intellectual property rights;
- corporate data protection and data transfers;
- international IP re-structuring programmes within corporate groups;
- advising on the securitisation of intellectual property rights;
- confidential information and trade secrets